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You have really helped me in my school life.​

Chloe, Year 9 Student

"Thank you for your help."

Jahiem, Year 9 Student

"You have helped me improve behaviour."

​Kaydeane, Year 9 Student   

“You have shown me to never  give up.”​

Lewis, Year 10 Student   

"Always welcome back."

​Izabella, Year 10 Student   

“This is lit! You need to come back!”

Joseph, Year 10 Student


"The sessions were motivating and empowering for our students. Our students could relate to the mentors at each session. The real talk segments with each weekly session were highly thought-provoking for our students and allowed them to see the holistic picture of the programme. The music, videos and activities were all very relevant to each session and encouraged a well ordered and very positive classroom environment for our learners. Negative ideas and statements made by students in relation to their work or mindset were challenged and corrected within each session, and some of this impact has been seen within current lessons. The PO.W.E.R.S. Programme was very reflective for our students and enabled them to identify the barriers that were preventing them from achieving their potential. There was a high level of engagement which all our students quickly responded to and they built healthy working relationships with the mentors. We will have FORM180 to work with our lower years again soon." 


Ms S. Rutty, Assistant Head Teacher

Heath Park School, Wolverhampton 

"I thought the FORM180 group mentoring sessions that I observed were from one of the best mentoring programmes I have seen in a long time. All sessions were well planned and students were engaged at all times. I was only down to observe one session but I went back and observed the last session because I enjoyed it so much! I would recommend FORM180 to another school or educational establishment because of the way they work well together as a team. They get the students to work independently and in a group situation, they encourage and listen to students. The team have also raised the confidence of some of the students within the group."


Paul Laird, Head of House

Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy

"The session I observed was very interesting and informative. The content and how it was delivered engaged all of the students. The staff that delivered the programme were a delight to see in action. They were friendly, funny, serious and very in touch with the youth of today." 


Kerry Clair, Senior Assistant Head of House

Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy

"I observed the structure of the session and thought it was based at the correct level to encourage the students to be engaged and be able to participate in the process that took place. I would recommend FORM180 to other schools based on firsthand evidence of the team in action demonstrating, good practice and methods of bringing forth the importance of their own individualism.  I am also sure that experiences of working with young people, and young adolescents, some of which may have challenging behaviour or those with a dysfunctional approach to education and learning, will offer them the opportunity to engage in day to day learning."  


Kerol Jackson, Pastoral Support Officer

Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy

"Engagement with students plus encouragement to participate was excellent.  I would recommend your company to another school with the focus on students with little or no confidence. Staff were excellent with students, ensuring that all had a part to play in teamwork."                                


Mandy Smallwood, Assistant Head of House

Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy


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